Recreational activities - Sports and recreational activities

Venues and community centre rental

Saint-Anicet community centre

The Municipality acquired the Saint-Anicet Church in 2010 to protect a heritage building for future generations, to preserve the public use of the site and use the presbytery as a complement for community activities.

Discussions with the Fabric of the Saint-Laurent Parish were undertaken to come to an agreement on the acquisition and use conditions.

The layout of the venue was designed to allow for large celebrations of worship. Therefore, large folding doors link the room with the worship section.

The parties involved in the construction project are:

  • The EXP engineers;
  • Massicotte et Dignard architects;
  • Construction Jacques Théorêt Inc., general contractor.

The community centre was inaugurated on November 6, 2011.

Contact information

1560, rue Saint-Anicet
Saint-Anicet (Québec) J0S 1M0
Phone number: 450 264-2555

Capacity of the venue

  • Without seats: 475 people
  • With seats only (conference): 250 people
  • Tables and seats (reception): 210 people



  • 200 chairs
  • 20 round tables, 60 inches in diameter
  • 13 rectangle tables, of 30 x 72 inches
  • Sound system with CD player


  • Silverware, plates, soup bowls, cups and saucers for 250 people
  • Wine glasses for 100 people
  • Dishwasher
  • Two-door fridge
  • Oven
  • Pots, cooking utensils


The Community centre is available for free for non-profit organizations. Residents of Saint-Anicet are the only ones who can rent the venue for $350 per day.

Tablecloths are not included. The sound system is not designed for concerts.

You must get an alcohol permit from the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux.


The renter must comply with the following requirements:

  • The renter is personally responsible and must make sure that the room is in the same state than it was initially.
  • The Municipality of Saint-Anicet does not perceive a fee for the rental of this venue from non-profit organizations. For other organizations, groups, associations and/or residents of Saint-Anicet, the rental fee is of $250 payable before the date of the event.
  • The Municipality of Saint-Anicet forgoes the right to the avenue of recourse in case of a fire, against the signee or the organization they represent.
  • The Municipality cannot be held responsible for accidents or damages caused to any person during the rental period.
  • A $20 deposit for the key is mandatory during the rental period.
  • It is strictly forbidden to mount anything to a wall, the ceiling, or anywhere else.
  • Objects pumped with helium are prohibited.
  • The renter agrees to pay any fee linked to the damages done to the room and any rented equipment.
  • The renter agrees to pay any fee linked to a visit from the police department in case of false alarm.
  • The selling and distribution of alcohol are tolerated during special events only if the renter of the venue has procured a reunion permit from the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux.
  • The Municipality asks that the renter informs it as soon as possible if they renounce their rental.

The subscription deadline for rental for the period between December 23 and January 2 is on the last Friday of the month of November, at noon. If there are more than one requests for the same date, a random draw will decide of the citizen who will get the rental.

Capacity of the community centre