Services - Services to citizens

Public safety

For your safety

A few phone numbers to remember in case of emergency

  • For any emergency: 9-1-1, or dial *4141 from your cellphone
  • Emergency phone number when you call from an out of range cellphone: 450 641-9628
  • Police department for non-urgent situations: 450 310-4141
  • Échec au crime: 1 800 711-1800 or
  • Centre antipoison du Québec: 1 800 463-5060
  • SOPFEU (forest fires) : 1 800 463-3389

Saint-Anicet’s volunteer firemen

Our fire department is formed of a director and 20 volunteer firemen who act as first responders. The team has five emergency trucks to quickly intervene on the entire territory.

For safety reasons, the fire department asks that you get a fire permit when you want to burn authorized material without using a fire pit. You can request these permits free of charge at city hall, or by phone at 450 264-2555.

Contact information

337, avenue Jules-Léger
Saint-Anicet (QC) J0S 1M0

Administrative phone number: 450 264-2555
In case of emergency: 9-1-1 or *4141 (from a cellphone)

Safety tips

  • Have a functioning smoke detector on each floor
  • Have a functioning, visible and accessible ABC extinguisher
  • Have an evacuation plan and an assembly area known from everyone
  • Have legal electrical equipment
  • Have well installed and maintained heating devices
  • Do not fry food on a pot on the stove
  • Keep matches, lighters and other smoking devices away from children

Police department

Sûreté du Québec MRC du Haut St-Laurent

25, rue Saint-Paul
Ormstown (QC) J0S 1K0

At any time and for any emergency, you can contact 9-1-1, or 450 310-4141. With your cellphone, dial *4141.

Anti-poison centre

For any emergency or question, please call 1 800 463-5060 or click here for more information.