Services - Environment

Septic tank and sewer system

Our municipal system

The sewer system

The municipality is equipped with a sewer system since 2005, which water treatment facility is annexed to the Town Hall.

To keep our facilities in good condition, and thus reduce reparation costs, we ask you to refrain from disposing of the following items in your sanitary facilities:

  • Hazardous household waste (paint, solvent, Javel water, etc.);
  • Items that do not decompose (oils, diapers, tampons, paper towels, tissues, plastic, cigarette butts, etc.).

Septic tanks

Regulation on sceptic pumping

Following the Regulation respecting waste water disposal systems for isolated dwellings (Q-2, r.8), a municipal by-law was adopted in 2007 to allow the verification of the frequency of sceptic pumping. The provincial regulatory standards are:

  • Every two (2) years for permanent residences;
  • Every four (4) years for seasonal residences.

Each owner must now send a proof of sceptic pumping according to the municipal by-law standards. The proof must be sent to the offices of City Hall.

Fines are included in the municipal by-law in case of failing to comply with this obligation by a physical person.

Local septic pumping businesses

You should never inspect or proceed with the sceptic pumping of your tank by yourself. It is full of hazardous gases that could kill you in seconds. Here is a list of local businesses providing services of sceptic pumping:

  • Sanitaire Chayer Inc.
    450 373-3927
    1 800 567-3927
  • Sani-Vrac Donald Coffey
    450 264-2048